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A-level: Photography

One of the key subjects that I studied during my two years of A-levels was Photography. I loved being behind the camera and developing my technique, skills and knowledge in Adobe Photoshop and Bridge, building on what my course instructors and I discovered to be my natural eye and innate talent.

My final pieces were displayed at the centre wall of the main entrance wall to the Art and Photography Departments. It was an honour and testament to the quality of my work that the Department proudly showcased these amongst the best pieces to be viewed by the school community, visitors, and other aspiring students.

One of my final 'Silver' pieces was also selected by the Headteacher for display in the school premises, some of which were aptly hung in the main canteen/cafeteria dining area as a showpiece and an honour credited to me.

Silver Family - Mock Exam

In my second and final year of A-levels, the coursework and exam pieces that I created in this year (2018-2019) were used as my portfolio and submitted as part of my application and interviews for entrance to university. My portfolio, personals statement and interview successfully gained me a place at the Arts University Plymouth where I completed my degree in BA (Hons) Fashion Media and Marketing, graduating with Upper Second Class Honours and a final grade of 2:1.

My photography mock exam was based on the assigned concept of silverware and challenged my creativity and abilities with how I can use my camera work and editing skills to shape a narrative and make something as everyday and mundane as cutlery and silverware appear to have character, interest, and its own life.

'Although a Delicate Metal, Silver Can Be Both Jewel and Dimension Of Illusion'





Distortion to Fashion

My assigned final exam topic on 'Distortion' showcased my ability to feature and create interest around the human face and the human body. The addition of some dark tones such as greys and dark whites helped to to my mock exam theme. My approach to distortion involved capturing candid images of the ordinary man and woman in their natural setting and then editing, merging and distorting these images to tease out and shine a light into a potentially deeper narrative and catch a brief but thought provoking glimpse beneath the surface into the true essence of human posture and human emotion.

'Do You Have Style?'

Double Exposure


Manual Distortion

Water Splash

Supporting Imagery


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